Breathing Room - Week #4

In our effort to get the most out of life, we continually try to cram one more thing into our life and eventually the whole thing breaks. We end up with a mess.

Usually this shows itself relationally. Relationships thrive with breathing room. Relationships die when we live at our limits.

Part of the struggle is that we don't always realize that we will cheat someone. There is not enough time in life to get everything done, talk with the important people, and achieve everything. Choosing who we will cheat helps us to be more intentional about who/what we will spend time on.

Paul discusses how we are to submit ourselves to people, particularly for married people to our spouses. We are never called to submit ourselves to our careers, progress, or any other healthy tasks. We only have a few unique roles, so we shouldn't trade what is unique to us for something someone else will do eventually.

Breathing Room - Week #3

When we talked about time, we acknowledged that our time is limit, so we need to limit what we do with our time.  However, when it comes to money, we don't necessarily have to limit what we do with our money.  We can't borrow time; we can borrow money.

Without breathing room financially we feel pressure & stress in our relationships.  Usually we do this because we have bought into a lie that "standard of living" is the same as "quality of life".  However, this is not true and some of us have already experienced this truth.  We make more now that we ever have, but we aren't happy or satisfied.  

If there really is a God who knows our names and cares about us, He cares more about our quality of life than our standard of living.  Jesus taught that we shouldn't put much value in standard of living "stuff" because it can be destroyed or stolen.  Jesus encouraged us to put our value in quality of life - relationships with people & with God - and create financial breathing room.

Breathing Room - Week #2

Many of us are inclined to pack more into our calendars & schedules without taking anything out.  We pack so much in that we don't enjoy much of what we do.

While there are many approaches to managing our time, Moses helps us to remember an important step before those approaches.

God is beyond time, but we are not.  Our days are limited.  Moses' prayer to God in Psalm 90:12 (NIV) is so helpful to remember.

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

  • How does your schedule need to look different?
  • + What do you need to add?
  • - What or who do you need to remove?
  • > What do you need to increase?
  • < What do you need to decrease?

Breathing Room - Week #1

Clutter or over-stuffed closets, cars, or basements can be funny; maxed out finances, over-booked schedules, and stressed relationships are not funny.

Many times we put ourselves in these situations because of fear.  This fear is usually based on a

  • Fear of missing out
  • Fear of falling behind
  • Fear of not mattering

Thankfully our Heavenly Father knows what we need.  From commanding a day off to creating margin financially to trusting God to provide, life is better with breathing room.  There is a direct connection between our willingness to trust God and the amount of breathing room in our lives.