YOUnited States of America - Week #5

Just like the nation of Israel, there is something inside of you that wants to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want.  Similarly our God will still hear our cries for help even in our disobedience.

In these dark days of disobedience with no King in Israel, God was beginning to decorate for Christmas in the book of Ruth.  He would use 2 women and a man.  One of the women had come to the point believing God had abandoned her or didn't care about her.  The man decided to go against the culture around him and believe that God was still at work.

While none of them could probably fully comprehend the magnitude of their involvement, they were all at the epicenter of the activity of God.  Throughout Ruth we see an important question answered in different ways...when you could yield your life to another, will you be the king or yield to the King?

YOUnited States of America - Week #4

Everyone has had a moment when we had to answer the question - what do you do when your body wants what your heart knows is wrong?  Your answer to that question can speak to the success and/or happiness you feel.

Unfortunately this is nothing new for humanity.  Back in ancient Israel, one of their leaders Samson faced the same dilemma.

Samson had been set apart for something extraordinary even before his birth.  He had superhuman strength that God was going to use to rescue the nation of Israel, and God's Spirit rested on Samson in a special way.

Unfortunately Samson's desire for the enemy's women got in the way of what he knew was right.  He was so intoxicated by what his body wanted that he did some very stupid things and went to the edge of disaster...and eventually over the edge.  

You have the freedom to do what your body wants or what your heart knows is right.  Because your body can be the temple of God's Spirit, you should honor God with your body.

YOUnited States of America - Week #2

We all desire freedom.  It is actually a big part of the American dream - to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want. Sometimes we add the long as you don't hurt anyone.

This is similar to the state where we find the nation of Israel in the beginning of the book of Judges during the time God was supposed to be their King. However, the nation abandoned His law in favor of what they thought was freedom. Even though they made a commitment to follow God and his standards, they thought they were gaining freedom from their King by choosing another set of standards. However, actually they were just trading one king for another.

Sometimes we do the same thing thinking

  • we are choosing to do what we want
  • we deserve this
  • we have the freedom to do it
  • no one can tell us what to do

When in reality, we are simply trading one king for another because eventually what started as an expression of our freedom has now mastered us. Because you were designed to be ruled, not to be autonomous.

YOUnited States of America - Week #1

Freedom can be great!  In fact, all of us desire it in some form.  However, freedom without responsibility leads to problems.  Individual rights must be coupled with individual responsibilities.

Many times we hope that the law will provide those responsibilities.  However the law only represents the minimum requirement and won't inspire greatness, excellence, or virtue.  If only the law regulates our freedoms, it is a recipe for us to be as selfish as we legally can.

Our hope isn't in who we elect or what laws we should pass, though you should vote and be informed.  If only Christians would treat their freedom like Paul instructed in Galatians 5, our country could change dramatically.  You are to leverage your freedom for the sake of the freedom of those around you.  If we don't do this, we will devour ourselves in our quest to be free as individuals.